Still writing

“Let me think clearly and brightly,” Sylvia Plath once wrote in her journal. “Let me live, love, and say it well in good sentences.”  Turning grief into art has made me a much better and more recognized writer. In just the last three years I've had four poetry chapbooks published and I continue to write a poem and a journal entry every day. Here is why it is so important to me. Turning Grief into Art I was 59 years old when my son, suffering with bipolar disorder, took his own life. Following an aftermath filled with guilt and grief, I made the decision to come out of that experience alive, whole, and productive. Instead of doing the expected: getting a divorce, having a breakdown or an affair with a beautiful younger man, becoming an alcoholic, or going into years of therapy, I chose to live and take care of myself as a woman, writer, wife, and mother. The Essential Truth I Discovered The truth is I was able to survive this tragedy. Even though the effects of my son’s … [Read more...]

Jim Naremore writes about memorializing our losses

Jim Naremore's new novel, American Still Life is about trauma and memorializing our loses - a perfect read for the many thousands of people going through those experiences as a result of the recent Los Angeles fires. Hopefully all affected will have time to read this important book, once they are on the road to recovery.  Jim has also written a guest post for us about the importance of being a member of a writing group. I'm in two, so I know how helpful they are. Here's Jim: Why I Like Writing Groups by Jim Naremore I’m a writer’s group junkie. I have been formally writing for close to (over?) twenty years now and I’m sure I’ve been involved in over a dozen such groups. I’m currently in one now and wouldn’t trade it for the world. It’s a harsh generalization that maybe strays into cliché that most writers are introverts or are maybe socially maladroit. I fall on some point of that spectrum for sure, and my writer’s groups were a big part of my ability to have and maintain … [Read more...]

Meet Allie Nava, a true survivor

Allie Nava was inspired to write July and Everything After after she survived the violent anti-minority massacres of 1970s Sri Lanka. It is a story  of  healing now on tour with WOW! Women on Writing. Allie has also written a guest post for us titled: "Being Overlooked or Ignored." Her thoughts are very meaningful.   Here's Allie: Being Overlooked or Ignored  by Allie Nava   Who hasn’t experienced the feeling of being overlooked or ignored at some point in his or her life? It’s a rite of passage for many during adolescence, while a significant experience for others. It’s also at times a central or secondary subject in novels, especially for certain character archetypes. Think about the ugly duckling children’s story by Hans Christian Andersen, as an example. A duckling born into a family is rejected for being different. After a life of rejection and wandering from one home to another, the duckling prepares to die, only to find it accepted by a group of … [Read more...]

Want to learn about being a prostitute? Read this book!

Please welcome Milana Marsenich, author  of Idaho Madams. What an interesting topic! You'll get to know about the prostitute business from the 1850s to the 1980s and I guarantee you, you won't want to put this book down. In addition Milana has written a guest post for us about the importance of towns in our fiction works. Here's Milana: The Town as Character by Milana Marsenich I believe that towns shape us. A person who grows up in New York City is much different than one who comes of age in a western coastal town such as Coos Bay, Oregon, or a mountain mining town, such as Butte, Montana or Wallace, Idaho. The town can be as significant as parents and siblings in shaping character, philosophies, and experiences. Giving the town a heartbeat and soul can enhance a story, and help make sense of the choices people make. Here are five ways to breathe life into a town: Give an action to the town: Like a starved wildcat, the town swallowed us whole. The town … [Read more...]

Please welcome Kathie Giorgio, author of multiple novels, stories, essays and poems

Choices is so honored to host Kathie Giorgio and her new book Don't Let Me Keep You. Kathie, a very accomplished author, brings us her story about motherhood and  her thoughts that children should follow their own paths. A very different approach from the way would-be feminists live their lives. Kathie has also written an essay for us on how to combat depression. We are so pleased to share it with you.       Here's Kathie and her essay about how to combat depression:   Depression: Putting One Foot in Front of the Other By Kathie Giorgio   As writers, we’re often told that we need to avoid the cliché, which sometimes makes me feel like a cliché myself! Movies, television shows, and literature often present writers as being depressed and anxious. At least in my case, this is true. I’m a writer, and I’ve also dealt with chronic depression for as long as I can remember. I honestly don’t recall a time that I wasn’t depressed, though … [Read more...]

Need time to write? Find out here

Our guest today is Jen Payne, author of her new book, Sleeping with Ghosts: Poems & Musings. She is currently on her WOW! Women on Writing tour. Jen has also written four other books: LOOK UP! Musings on the Nature of Mindfulness, Evidence of Flossing: What We Leave Behind, Waiting Out the Storm, and Water Under The Bridge: A Sort-of Love Story.   And for our information and pleasure, Jen has written about finding enough time to  write - something all writers need to know about. Here's Jen. Time to Write by Jen Payne Did you know that Picasso created more than 50,000 works of art, but only about 100 of those are considered masterpieces? That’s less than 1% of his work! I think about that little fact every April, when I attempt to write a poem a month for NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month). There aren’t a lot of masterpieces, for sure, but a few have been published. So there’s that. Of course, lots of folks will point out the averages — ONE percent?!? … [Read more...]

A new way to reinvent yourself after a divorce

  Author Ruth F. Stevens is our guest today.  WOW! WOMEN ON WRITING TOUR  is hosting Ruth and her brand new novel,  My Year of Casual Acquaintances.     And Choices is very pleased to share Ruth's essay about how important our casual relationships are to our lives. We hope it will encourage you to read the entire book:   How casual acquaintances play an important role in our lives By Ruth F. Stevens I doubt anyone would question that our close friends and relatives are the people we hold most dear in the world. But the casual acquaintances we encounter in our daily lives can also enrich us, filling needs that are different from those met by our family members and besties. Casual acquaintances can take many forms. Maybe she’s the co-worker you enjoy chatting with over coffee in the breakroom. Or the man who’s been styling your hair for the past ten years. Or the cheerful retiree who volunteers at the hospital the same afternoon as you. … [Read more...]

This is about Walter Thornton and the future of Hollywood’s Golden Age

Please welcome Nancy Thornton Navarro and Adriana Thornton-Cornejo with Philip Mershon's WOW! WOMEN ON WRITING TOUR of The Merchant of Venus: The Life of Walter Thornton. And as a special bonus sisters and daughters of Walter Thornton, Nancy and Adriana, have given us a special treat - the story of the Chrysler building - one of the most beautiful buildings in New York City. If I could ever get a tour I'd jump at the chance.     And now here's their story of the Chrysler Building:   History of the Iconic Chrysler Building and The Walter Thornton Story Nancy and I began our journey with little knowledge of our father’s extraordinary role as one of the early 20th century's most successful entrepreneurs. It was only through our research that we discovered he had founded one of the few new nationwide businesses to emerge during the Great Depression—an accomplishment well-documented in history books. His achievements were already recognized, needing no further … [Read more...]

All Money Ain’t Good Money is a very fun book about a woman detective. Please take a look.

Welcome to the WOW! WOMEN ON WRITING TOUR of All Money Ain’t Good Money By Tracey Lampley. Tracey has also written a guest post for us about how she's  love to have dinner with six authors. Thank you so much Tracey.   And now here's Tracey: Six Authors I’d Love to Invite for Supper by Tracey Lampley   Like most readers, I’m also a fan of the authors I love. I’ll only list three traditionally published authors. Because I also review books on my website, I’ll include three indie authors that I’d love to invite for supper. The traditionally published authors include: Terry McMillan: I’d love to pepper her with questions about novel structure, novel research and novel marketing. Janet Evanovich: I’d love to know on whom she based Stephanie Plum. Had she always meant for Lula to be a recurring character? Will she eventually age Stephanie Plum? Jackie Collins: Although she’s deceased, I’d love to regal her with stories I’d written in my spiral notebooks … [Read more...]

A lesson shared by Ravel Howell

Blink & GLow, by Raven Howell, shares a lesson for children. That is to respect the freedom and light of the natural life in all living things. Thank you WOW! Women on Writing for sharing this lesson with our Choices readers. Raven has also written an essay for us about the most popular children's book themes. Here's Raven: Today’s most popular children’s book themes By Raven Howell Are we depleting natural resources?  What about global climate change? There’s ongoing debate about general water and air pollution as well, and issues regarding loss of biodiversity. I began to wonder how the youngest among us related to nature in these present days. How will our children and grandchildren tend to the earth and our natural environment? Appreciating how it operates, being compassionate to its needs is a good first step. When I wrote about this appreciation in my new book, Blink and Glow, my intention was to create a story that gently informed, but also entertained and … [Read more...]

An award winning author is our guest today – Vickie Rubin

Welcome to Vickie Rubin author of the award winning memoir, Raising Jess: The Story of Hope. She has also written a special post for us about how she changed her stance from I should write a book to I am writing a book. So many of us have gone from that first I should step to the I am step and became successful authors.   Gee I should Write a Book to I am Writing a Book. by Vickie Rubin, M.S. Ed. "I should write a book."  This thought often crosses the minds of friends and acquaintances, and it's a sentiment I hear often, perhaps because I've ventured from the idea to the reality.  But, how does one transition from the mere thought, 'Gee, I should write a book,' to the action, 'I am Writing a book?' Writing "Raising Jess: A Story of Hope" came smoothly; however, the decision to  START to write took a bit longer.  Many puzzle pieces aligned, such as a recent retirement (time), family encouragement (motivation), the concept of the entire book (I'm still waiting … [Read more...]

A new novel by Anoop Judge

About a family faced with  tragedy, secrets, and misconceptions, No Ordinary Thursday by Anoop Judge, is a wonderful new novel. Please welcome Anoop back to Choices and be sure to comment about your book reactions below. Also, please read her special essay written just for us about her writing life.     A Peek into My Writing Life by Anoop Judge When I decided to transition from a career in law to one in writing, I envisioned a tranquil life spent crafting stories in a cozy study. Reality, however, has been a blend of routine, inspiration, and occasional chaos. Here’s a glimpse into my daily life as a writer. My day begins before the sun rises. The quiet of the early morning is sacred to me. With a cup of strong coffee in hand, I settle into my writing nook—my office which is a space filled with books, notes, and inspiration boards. These first few hours are my most productive. There’s a unique magic to the pre-dawn stillness that allows creativity to flow … [Read more...]

Queering the American Dream blog tour

Angela Yarber is on a virtual tour of her book Queering the American Dream. Choices is so pleased to host her and to showcase her thoughts about how publishing a book can transform our business and life.   Here's Angela and her essay. Living the Authorpreneur Life How publishing a book can transform your business and life By Dr. Angela Yarber Publishing a book has completely transformed my life and business, creating financial sustainability I’d only dreamed of. Over a decade ago, after protests from Westboro Baptist Church, a thick stack of hate mail, and even a few death threats, I decided two institutions had become too toxic for me as a queer woman. The first was the church. Interestingly, I was its pastor. The second was the academy where I was a professor. To reckon with our shifting vocations, my wife and I quit our jobs, sold our home, and followed the beckoning, our toddler in tow, writing a memoir along the way.  Beginning the day the Supreme … [Read more...]

In grief, we are never alone

Meet author Lisa Braxton, who is visiting us on her WOW! Women on Writing virtual book tour. Lisa's lyrical memoir about grief - Dancing Between the Raindrops - will make you want to hold on to your loved ones and protect their memories for your lifetime. She also assures you, you are not alone. Lisa has also written an essay for Choices about how a writing group saved her manuscript. We all need to listen to that. Here's Lisa: My Writing Group Saved My Manuscript by Lisa Braxton Since childhood I knew I wanted to write a novel. I’d curl up with my copy of Little Women or Charlotte’s Web and dream of creating stories of my own. But I wasn’t able to begin the work of fulfilling my dream until many decades later. My career in journalism helped me learn the fundamentals of writing a story, how writing doesn’t really begin until rewriting, and the importance of a good editor making a story even better. But journalism was all consuming. As a reporter covering stories about … [Read more...]

What it’s like to be a park ranger

Choices is so pleased to welcome Rosanne McHenry and her new book, Tales From a Rogue Ranger, while she's on her WOW! Women on Writing tour.  Rosanne has also written a very interesting blog post for us about how to succeed at a job you never wanted. I'm sure a lot of us need her advice on that. Here's Rosanne. How to Succeed at a Job You Never Wanted by Rosanne McHenry   One day I was minding my own business, working as a park ranger at Folsom Lake, California, and the next moment I was drafted to work at the Auburn State Recreation Area as the Whitewater Rafting Program Manager. I never asked for this job. I didn’t want it. I balked at it. I was mandated to do it anyway. How do I get into these situations, I wondered?  I figured it was my punishment for being hard-working and conscientious. This all began when my co-worker Jess took on the responsibility to impose safety controls on the American River whitewater rafting industry. Many of the commercial … [Read more...]

A multiple book award winner is our guest today

BLynn Goodwin, a multiple book award winner, is our guest today. Her latest book, Disrupted, came out in late January and is doing wonderfully in sales. BLynn has also written a guest post for us about the difference between being a writer pantser and plotter with a quiz so we can easily tell what we are. I know for sure I'm a plotter but that doesn't mean it's the best choice. Here's BLynn with her pantser and plotter thoughts.   Pantser or Plotter? Does It Matter? by BLynn Goodwin   A professional writer I’ve worked with, a woman who’s published by the Big 4, posted that she was starting her ninth book and asking herself, “How do I do this?” She even googled How to Plot a Book. If she’s having problems and you are too, you are in good company. The experts say to write what you know, but they don’t tell you the best approach to take. It depends on who you are, how your brain works, and what kind of manuscript you’re working on. I found this wonderfully … [Read more...]

Introducing Anoop Judge and Mercy and Grace

The story of Gia Kumari and how she finally leaves the Delhi orphanage where she was raised is almost miraculous. You won't want to put this new novel, Mercy and Grace by Anoop Judge down. Also Anoop has  written a guest  post for us - about how beneficial writing is to help us work through our grief. I know that is very true. After my own son died, I wrote to heal and it helped me a lot. Here's Anoop: Writing Your Way Through Grief by Anoop Judge Grief is a profound and complex emotion that can arise from various sources, such as the loss of a loved one, the end of a significant relationship, or even the loss of a cherished dream. It’s a universal experience, yet it’s deeply personal and can feel isolating. In my own journey through grief, I’ve found writing to be a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery. The Power of Writing Writing has long been recognized as a therapeutic activity. It allows us to express our emotions, thoughts, and experiences in a way … [Read more...]

Writing about sensitive sociological issues

Choices is very pleased too host Dawn Reno Langley today, a very renown author of over thirty books. She has also written a guest post just for us about how important writing about sensitive issues is to our well being. Writing about Sensitive Sociological Issues By Dawn Reno Langley When I care about something, I write about it. My mother coached me through my first newspaper essay when I was nine, affirming that I had a right to speak up about how frightened I felt that nuclear war was going to obliterate us all. My young writer’s imagination focused on the fear of a giant missile pointed toward the United States. I needed to say something, and that first essay determined the type of writing I would do throughout my life. I write about social justice issues. I’ve written novels about wife abuse (Loving Marie), about ocean mammals (The Silver Dolphin), about elephant abuse and gun violence (The Mourning Parade), and about social and gender identity issues (Analyzing the … [Read more...]

Birthday tribute

I wrote this piece in my writing group last Tuesday. I was inspired by a quote from Joan Rivers: “I wish I could tell you it gets better, but it doesn’t get better. You get better.” Here goes: February fourth would have been my husband Bob’s eighty-seventh birthday. It was an awful lonely long day. No hugs, no kisses, no conversations, no plans, no nothing. And I kept thinking about how I could make it better, and I couldn’t find a way. He’s been gone over three years already and those three years seem so much longer than the over fifty years we were together married, having a family, sometimes working together, traveling, eating out, occasionally bickering and having long and interesting talks almost every night after dinner. I still have the beautiful jewels and clothes and artifacts that he gave me that I don’t even wear or use. But I can’t bear to sell or give them away. They are my memories of him and his generosity and love. My son will have to deal with them after I’m … [Read more...]

Welcome to our film and media maker guest today

Thank you, Neill McKee, for honoring our Choices blog with your presence today. Also for writing us a guest post about how important writing about our careers and life stories is. Neill is currently on his Women on Writing book tour. Here'a Neill: The benefits of writing about your career and life story by Neill McKee As is documented in my travel memoir, early in my career, I became a filmmaker and later a multimedia producer. After 45 years of such work, I decided to switch to creative nonfiction. Many people become consultants in their specialized fields in their senior years, but I had little interest in that. I had all these stories in my head about my varied life: growing up in a small industrially-polluted town in Ontario, Canada, and learning how “to escape” its confinements and stinks; my searching years at university, not knowing what I wanted to do with my life; and then a dramatic transition when I became a volunteer teacher in Sabah, Malaysia on Borneo Island. … [Read more...]