An award winning author is our guest today – Vickie Rubin

Welcome to Vickie Rubin author of the award winning memoir, Raising Jess: The Story of Hope. She has also written a special post for us about how she changed her stance from I should write a book to I am writing a book. So many of us have gone from that first I should step to the I am step and became successful authors.   Gee I should Write a Book to I am Writing a Book. by Vickie Rubin, M.S. Ed. "I should write a book."  This thought often crosses the minds of friends and acquaintances, and it's a sentiment I hear often, perhaps because I've ventured from the idea to the reality.  But, how does one transition from the mere thought, 'Gee, I should write a book,' to the action, 'I am Writing a book?' Writing "Raising Jess: A Story of Hope" came smoothly; however, the decision to  START to write took a bit longer.  Many puzzle pieces aligned, such as a recent retirement (time), family encouragement (motivation), the concept of the entire book (I'm still waiting … [Read more...]

Find out if you have a healthy relationship today!

Carrie T. Ishee began her WOW! Women On Writing tour of Seduced into Darkness just two days ago on March 23rd. We are very happy to welcome her here on Choices today. Her story of hope for survivors of abuse will surely captivate our readers. She has also written a guest post about the signs of a healthy relationship versus a toxic relationship and how to set boundaries to see if a person is safe for you. Here she is: A Healthy Relationship versus A Toxic Relationship by Carrie Ishee, M.A, LPCC, LPAT, ATR-BC,PCC, Author of Seduced into Darkness:  Transcending My Psychiatrist’s Sexual Abuse I came to this wisdom when recovering from the psychological and sexual manipulation I experienced when I was a college student suffering from panic attacks and depression.  What was supposed to be a professional, healing relationship was hijacked and turned into an inappropriate personal relationship that focused on his needs, his wants, his desires.  I now support others to develop a … [Read more...]

Not a lot of writing going on now

  For the last couple of weeks I've been really caught up in the election. I couldn't take my eyes and ears off of the conventions, nor can I stop reading about it in the newspapers and online. I'm also glued to the news shows every evening. Therefore not a lot of writing is going on in my life right now. In the last election I refused to post anything either here or any of my other social media networks about politics or my views about politics. I didn't want to offend any of my memoir customers who had different political views than mine. This election is too crucial for me to keep silent. And already I'm sure you can tell I'm with Hillary. There is no way I would vote for a person like Donald Trump. But this is not to say I feel she is the lesser of two evils. I've felt all along that she has the most experience for the job of president of the United States, and she has respectful relationships worldwide that she can call upon when needed in our dealings with … [Read more...]

Book reviews – a roller-coaster ride

This week my memoir, Leaving the Hall Light On, received six new reviews for a grand total now of 198 reviews since its release in 2011. However, the reviews were not all good - three 2-stars and three 5-stars. Happily though, the week ended with two of the five-star reviews, leaving me with a huge sigh of relief. Even after all this time, my stomach turns over every time I see that a new review has been posted.  I don't suppose that feeling will go away as long as I put my writing out in public. Here are the two five-star reviews that came in, in the last two days. Thank you so much Sara and Joanne. Thank you for sharing your lives with my readers. Your words honor me and my book. A Must  Read: I found this book when I was still in the early stage of my son being diagnosed, fighting the struggle of his almost everyday behaviors, and at that point I was open to anything. Even with my son being substantially younger than Madeline's son, the book touched me and although I am … [Read more...]

Leaving the Hall Light On has legs!

This month has ended with the 124th five-star review of my book, Leaving the Hall Light On: A Mother's Memoir of Living with Her Son's Bipolar Disorder and Surviving His Suicide. Published four years ago, this makes me  feel my memoir still has long legs, that there are many others who can relate to the story I tell about our son's bipolar disorder and suicide, and of how they affected the lives of my husband, our surviving son, and myself.  The book ends on a high note - the marriage of our surviving son, but don't get me wrong. The grief will never end, I still miss our son desperately, and my memories of him are alive and active, but I've been able to move on and live a full life without him. We all have. Here's what the latest reviewer on Amazon had to say: Amazing story of a mother and her family's journey through the wilderness of suicide grief. This painfully honest memoir, parallels the experience I recently have had with my son's 3 year battle with schizophrenia and … [Read more...]

Happy Passover/Easter

Last night we celebrated the Passover Seder with our large family - in San Diego. Those of us living in the Los Angeles area rode there and back together on a big black bus. The bus ride, the Seder, and warm family interactions with the over forty people in attendance made for a wonderful occasion. To top it off, we all had an opportunity to cuddle with our newest family edition - six month old Dylan - the grandson of our San Diego hosts. I received a meaningful and lovely holiday greeting card yesterday from my dear friend Cate Russell-Cole. Her words sum up the reason we celebrate Passover and Easter this weekend. Cate said: Long before Easter came into being, by the instruction of Moses, the people of God celebrated Pesach, or Passover, the feast of unleavened bread. It, like Easter, is a celebration of deliverance from bondage. Whatever your beliefs are, may this Easter/Pesach, greet you with peace, hope and give you the opportunity to celebrate what you are grateful for, in … [Read more...]