Happy Passover/Easter

Last night we celebrated the Passover Seder with our large family - in San Diego. Those of us living in the Los Angeles area rode there and back together on a big black bus. The bus ride, the Seder, and warm family interactions with the over forty people in attendance made for a wonderful occasion. To top it off, we all had an opportunity to cuddle with our newest family edition - six month old Dylan - the grandson of our San Diego hosts. I received a meaningful and lovely holiday greeting card yesterday from my dear friend Cate Russell-Cole. Her words sum up the reason we celebrate Passover and Easter this weekend. Cate said: Long before Easter came into being, by the instruction of Moses, the people of God celebrated Pesach, or Passover, the feast of unleavened bread. It, like Easter, is a celebration of deliverance from bondage. Whatever your beliefs are, may this Easter/Pesach, greet you with peace, hope and give you the opportunity to celebrate what you are grateful for, in … [Read more...]

To change your life in 2013 choose a new word

Happy New Year from Madeline and Bob   A friend sent me the following: The New Year is an invitation to enliven your spirit and life rather than making another burdensome resolution that will quickly be consigned to dust. Choose a word as your guide or mantra for the year a word that reflects your yearnings or takes you to the edge of your fears. Your chosen word becomes your pathway for experiencing a new way to be in the year ahead. My resolutions from years past filled a closet with wistful longings as easily abandoned as the cheap pronouncements with which I had made them. Eventually I gave up on the obligatory ritual and enjoyed the peace that ensued from avoiding unrealistic self-inflicted pressure. Choosing a new way to be in the New Year with a specific word may not have the sweeping grandeur of a short-lived ephemeral resolution. It will be a choice of slowly revealed substance that deepens your appreciation of yourself and others. But something … [Read more...]