Some more draft (political) poems

Since election day is three days away I thought I'd post a few more of my draft political poems. Hopefully they'll make sure you get out to vote for my favorite: Mr. Joe Biden. How could anyone really want to vote for the other guy?   The last election stages Are going on: That election year ritual Of 60 Minutes interviews With the candidates Airs tonight Large venues have opened Their doors for early voting And poll watching and speculation As to who will win are going on full force. I fluctuate between confidence That my guy, Joe Biden, Will win, and win in a landslide, Considering the long lines Of early voters all over the country, And being scared Donald will somehow pull it off as a result of all his dirty tricks And paying off his base. Well, I don’t have much longer to wait Though they also say We probably won’t know on election night Maybe in the days and weeks thereafter.       Do people just pull them Off … [Read more...]

VOTE Biden/Harris on November 3

A dear friend sent me an email this morning with the following information. Though he says these points are strictly his, I am in total agreement and decided to share them with my Choices readers. Though I don't get too political here, there are times when it's important to do so. Now is one of those times. We must VOTE and vote Trump out of office. Our democracy depends on it. On November 3, please vote for the Biden/Harris ticket. Here are my friend's words: The Biden/Harris team has now received the Democratic nomination. Now we all must evaluate whether Trump is qualified to stay as president for another four years. Here is my personal analysis of his ability to continue as President. TOPIC: COVID-19 Pandemic Trump said "It is what it is" in a recent interview with Axios. Our President said the Pandemic is under control and the death toll “is what it is." From the beginning of the battle against the virus Trump has declared that the Pandemic is under control and is going … [Read more...]