I am fortunate enough to see a water-color painting by my dear friend and artist, Ellen Pliskin, every day. Actually I sometimes see and admire it several times a day because it hangs in my bedroom. After 9/11 Ellen painted a series showcasing the windows adorned with flowers and American flags around New York City in remembrance of the World Trade Center disaster. I am fortunate to own one from this series. Now I'm pleased to share about her silk aquatint monoprint exhibition that opened this week and will be on display through August 30 at: The Funky Monkey Cafe and Gallery 130 Elm Street (Watch Factory Shoppes) Cheshire CT If you live nearby - I sure wish I did - please attend the Artist's Reception tomorrow Friday, August 8th, 7 to 9 pm. Her new works explore the monoprint process in portraying China's Forbidden City, the Colonial City of Colonia,Uruguay and the white villages of Andalucia. In these monoprints she combines the two disciplines of … [Read more...]