Sara Connell’s surrogacy story is incredible

I am delighted to welcome Sara Connell here at Choices today to discuss her writing and coaching life. Her memoir, Bringing in Finn is indeed an incredible surrogacy story. To win your free copy, please leave your comments here. I'll announce a winner, picked randomly, on Monday, December 2. Book Summary and Details Bringing in Finn by Sara Connell is an incredibly moving story of surrogacy and how it created a bond like no other between a mother and daughter. In February 2011, 61-year-old Kristine Casey delivered the greatest gift of all to her daughter, Sara Connell: Sara's son, Finnean. At that moment, Kristine the gestational carrier of Sara and her husband Bill's child became the oldest woman ever to give birth in Chicago.  Bringing in Finn: An Extraordinary Surrogacy Story tells this modern family's remarkable surrogacy story.  is an achingly honest memoir about a couple that wanted nothing more than to have a family and a mother who would do anything for her … [Read more...]