Remember my rant about the butchered tree? Well, I'm pleased to let you know the tree is coming back. In fact, the leaves are coming in fast and furiously. So maybe I shouldn't have been so hard on the butcher - oops, tree trimmer. Here's how it looked yesterday. My succulent garden is looking pretty good too. … [Read more...]
Jane Shore’s poem about a tree
This is definitely another opinion about how to care and feed and trim a tree. I love this poem. Wish I had written it. Counter-point to my tree-trimming rant. Willow by Jane Shore It didn't weep the way a willow should. Planted all alone in the middle of the field by the bachelor who sold our house to us, shoulder height when our daughter was born, it grew eight feet a year until it blocked the view through the first-, then the second- story windows, its straggly canopy obstructing our sunrise and moonrise over Max Gray Road. I gave it the evil eye, hoping lightning would strike it, the way a bolt had split the butternut by the barn. And if leaf blight or crown gall or cankers didn't kill it, then I'd gladly pay someone to chop it down. My daughter said no, she loved that tree, and my husband agreed. One wet Sunday husband napping, daughter at a matinee in town a wind shear barreled up the hill so loud I glanced up from my mystery the moment the … [Read more...]
Another rant – this must be my rant week
So I'm frustrated. I am in the running for a prize at the My Gutsy Story contest site. Up until yesterday another contender and I kept taking the lead back and forth, but now I'm seven votes behind. I've sent out two group emails, posted the contest info all over the place on Facebook, tweeted about it, other folks have tweeted about it, and just today created an event to ask people to over there to vote. And out of all that I have forty-five votes. I need seven right now just to tie the first place guy. And I would think that wouldn't be so hard to do. Don't people respond to requests like this anymore? Is this going to make me lose some of my FB friends and make me seem like a pest? It really isn't pesty, I don't think. Just a simple request: Click on a link, look on the right sidebar, find the Polling place, and click on my name. Should be a piece of cake. I can't even get my family to do it. So now I'm at a loss as to how to draw folks in and to click where I've … [Read more...]