So I’m frustrated. I am in the running for a prize at the My Gutsy Story contest site. Up until yesterday another contender and I kept taking the lead back and forth, but now I’m seven votes behind.
I’ve sent out two group emails, posted the contest info all over the place on Facebook, tweeted about it, other folks have tweeted about it, and just today created an event to ask people to over there to vote. And out of all that I have forty-five votes. I need seven right now just to tie the first place guy. And I would think that wouldn’t be so hard to do.
Don’t people respond to requests like this anymore? Is this going to make me lose some of my FB friends and make me seem like a pest?
It really isn’t pesty, I don’t think. Just a simple request:
Click on a link, look on the right sidebar, find the Polling place, and click on my name. Should be a piece of cake. I can’t even get my family to do it.
So now I’m at a loss as to how to draw folks in and to click where I’ve asked (practically pleaded with) them to click. And I wonder if this kind of response is typical in everyone’s experience.
I’ve questioned before about the reasoning behind Facebook fan pages and getting lots of Likes, all the tweets, the LinkedIn messages, the Facebook friends and posts. Sure I’ve made a lot of friends, but most don’t chime in. I’ve also had a few books sell as a result, but not that many for how much work I do
That’s why I’m frustrated. It doesn’t look like all my work and all my contacts are making any difference what-so-ever. It’s really too bad. What does it take for a thought or a piece of writing to go viral? Plus, what does that mean anyway? Is that just in terms of sharing something around or does it also mean sharing and taking some kind of action?
Well, folks, please take some action here:
Click on this Link
Read the story
Look on the right sidebar
Find the Polling place
And click on my name
Thanks for reading, forgive the rant, and please vote before July 11.
OOH, I take some of this back. A couple of votes just came in as a result of the FB event. Yay, something is working. Thanks so much.
LOL. It’s also summer and I find a lot of people are taking a break from social media. Speaking for myself, I’m SWAMPED, and tend to ignore group emails and invites at times like this. If you really want to reach out, I’m afraid you need to put in the time and email people individually. I always respond to personal emails.
Thanks for the advice. Makes me feel better. I did send emails out but they were group emails. I’ll send personal emails out next. – And thanks for your vote. xoxo
I must say,that as of today, the votes are coming in hot and heavy. I think the major source is the Facebook event I created.
Thanks everyone. I’ll keep you posted.