The importance of books

These say it all. … [Read more...]

Another book launch – oh my!

I now have a paperback edition of my memoir, Leaving the Hall Light On, in my hands. It just arrived. Getting it to this point has taken just short of three months, but well worth the time and effort. The edition looks great. I decided to keep the same cover design because it has been my brand for the last year. I felt changing it could be confusing to my followers and even to me. Plus I love the front cover photo, taken by my young girl friend, Madison Poulter, whom I've known since she was eighteen months old. Can't believe she's off to Lewis and Clark College in the fall. So both my publisher, Mike O'Mary at Dream of Things and I have been doing a lot of planning to get ready for the launch. Mike made an excel spreadsheet with activities to accomplish between now and January. Here are some of the things we're doing right now: I've communicated with friends and family about the launch and asked them to write a review and post it on Amazon if they've already read the … [Read more...]