Small stones in June

We wrote Jewels of June last month. It's always fun to have a little bling in our lives. And Happy Fourth of July, everyone! It's June 1st and the sun is as bright as a jewel. What happened to our usual June gloom? I'm feeling so sad and embarrassed for my country sad, angry, depressed, and hopeless. We have tickets to see Wonder Woman later this afternoon. I can't wait. Lynda Carter in the TV version was one of my heroes growing up. And this new movie is said to be flawless and powerful, a good example for girls. Definitely see Wonder Woman. Take your daughters, nieces, moms, grandmas and/or granddaughters! Support women's films! The men you know might like it too. Please accept my condolences for those who died during the attack in London on Saturday, and I wish speedy recoveries for the many who were injured - physically and emotionally. I am embarrassed by my president's attack at London's mayor. Cool, dark, breezy. Nothing jewel-like about this day. Not a bit … [Read more...]