WOW blog tour stop No. 13

I’m over at NAMW today with a blog post about my journey from aerospace writing to creative writing. Please go over and take a look and leave a comment.

I’m so proud to be part of this wonderful organization for memoir writers. It makes me feel like I’ve “arrived” to be in such good company. I’ll also be with them again in September with a blog post about memoir writing to deal with grief and as part of a roundtable on the same subject in September. I’ll let you know about dates as the time gets closer.

In the meantime please go to the following links to see my post:

and NAMW’s news section:



“About the National Association of Memoir Writers (NAMW)

The National Association of Memoir Writers (NAMW) is a membership organization that invites memoir writers from all over the world to connect, learn and become inspired about writing their stories. The goal of our organization is to help memoir writers feel empowered with purpose and energy to begin and develop their life stories into a publishable memoir, whether in essay form, a book, a family legacy, or to create a blog.”


  1. I see that my comment did not link back to my blog (I’m using WordPress and not Blogger). So I’m signing off a different way this time to enable your readers to find the blog containing the review of your book.

  2. Thanks so much, Shirley. I appreciate all you’re doing to publicize my book.
    Best, Madeline

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