Time to build a new version (Revision 6) of my novel

After going over a hard copy of my novel three times: once to find too much telling and not enough showing, once to address my beta readers comments, and once to improve my verbs change as many to be verbs to action verbs and improve the actions verbs that already existed I took the marked up copy of my novel off the wall. Amazing! After having the book on my storyboards for almost three months, it took me just thirty-five minutes to take it down, remove the push pins, and carry the foam boards into my garage.


My next step is to start incorporating all of my mark ups into a new version. That means inputting any editorial changes I made with my trusty red pen, deleting material that I highlighted with my yellow marker, and adding chapters and sections where indicated again with my red pen.

However, I’m going to give myself a couple of days off to let the enormity of the upcoming task sink in. I’ll be back at it on Monday, hopefully creating a new version that will be good enough to send out to more beta readers at some point in the very distant future.

My foam storyboards tucked away in the garage

My foam storyboards tucked away in the garage


  1. Good for you, Madeline.Thanks for sharing your writing path about what you are doing to ensure a good quality book. If it takes numerous revisions, and maybe years in the making, so be it. Better to take time and publish a well-written book than do what so many writers seem to be doing – write a first draft, revise it, and publish it. I’m going though a similar process to yours with a book I wrote twenty years ago, have revised ten times, put it in its various forms through four critique groups, then in the closet for seven years. I am now finishing a complete rewrite, need to edit and send to beta readers, and then … well, you know the rest.

    • Madeline Sharples says

      You are so right Penny. Those who are publishing prematurely are unfortunately bringing the rest of us down. We both will have better products if we do the hard work, no matter how long it takes.
      Thanks so much for stopping by Choices. I really appreciate it.

  2. Madeline,
    This is a perfect example of how writing is really rewriting …until it’s right. I appreciate you sharing your storyboard process. I did use a trifold board with sticky notes but you have taken it to a new level here. I think the important point to find a way that works for you and keep writing until you know in your heart it is time to put it out into the world. I also appreciate the benefits of the beta process. Best wishes as you move forward with your novel.

    • Madeline Sharples says

      Thanks, Kathy, for your kind words. I know we totally agree on the importance of working until we’re sure in our hearts our books are ready. All best to you with your second memoir.

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