President Biden Said losing a child Is like tearing A piece out of your soul. I know. I lost a son. And yesterday nineteen Sets of parents In Uvalde, Texas Lost their precious Little boys and girls too. No amount of prayers Will ever take away Their pain. I know. My pain Stays in my heart After twenty-three years. And that we allowed it To happen. That we didn’t restrict An eighteen-year-old From buying An assault weapon, Designed and intended Only to be used In battlefields And not to bloody Schools or grocery stores Or places of worship. We must stop These horrors – The killing of Innocent people Just wanting To live normal lives. We must stop The pain and The pieces of our souls From tearing away. … [Read more...]
Advice about consciousness from Michele Sammons
Michele Sammons is an intuitive, which she shares in her new book, The Little Book of Big Knowing. She tells us how to be conscious from her perspective below. A View of Consciousness from the Perspective of an Intuitive by Michele Sammons I remember the first time I felt energy tingling through my body—a sensation that felt like tiny champagne bubbles vibrating on the inside of my skin. It felt so delicious that I didn’t move a muscle hoping to hang on to the feeling as long as possible. It was my first experience of physically feeling an aspect of consciousness flowing through me. Consciousness is the 21st-century label for an ancient is-ness that existed before time and form. It’s been called many things in the past—energy, God, Source, Yahweh, The-All-That-Is, The Great Spirit, Atman, and more. Humans like to define our experiences so that we can understand them. Especially when we are trying to understand something beyond our physical self, we find it helpful to have a signpost that … [Read more...]