March for Science

I've decided to close out the month with some poster photos that I took at the April 22 March for Science. I think they speak for themselves. Please enjoy.   … [Read more...]

This scientist leaned in years ago

I hadn't heard of the spiral ceiling until I read Laura L. Mays Hoopes memoir, Breaking Through the Spiral Ceiling. And after I read it, I realized I had the same opportunity as she while I worked with scientists and engineers in the aerospace industry. Unfortunately, I turned down the chance to be a manager early in my career, took a ten-year break from aerospace to raise my little boys, and by the time I went back, other smart women had passed me by. So I applaud Laura. She is an inspiration to all young professional women. She has proved that it is possible to have it all a fulfilling career, a loving marriage, and the experience of being a mother. As Laura prepares the eBook version of her memoir, she talks about her career and her writing and family life in The Next Big Thing Q & A. Here's Laura. *** Hi readers and writers, My own Next Big Thing is a new eBook version my memoir, Breaking Through the Spiral Ceiling: An American Woman Becomes a DNA Scientist. It is … [Read more...]