Welcome Ace Antonio Hall

I met Ace Antonio Hall when I first joined the Greater Los Angeles Writers Society. He was Vice Chairman then, and he generously took me under his wing until I got to know more about what the group and what it has to offer great writing programs and conferences and great folks to network with. Maybe he took to me because I, like some of the influential women in his life, have gray hair. Whatever the reason, I am proud to know Ace and share him with you. I asked him why I should read his zombie novel. Here's his answer.     Shades of Gray: Why I Honor, Love and Owe My Life to Women Over 60 by Ace Antonio Hall Truly, I would've never published my young adult zombie novel, Confessions of Sylva Slasher, if it weren't for women over sixty. I was five years old when I left my parents in New York to live with my Grandmother in Jacksonville, Florida. My grandmother, who told me to just call her Nana, was 70. Strangely, it didn't dawn on me until I reached my … [Read more...]