Learn about book marketing and publishing here

  Choices is pleased to host Claudine Wolk and Julie Murkette on their WOW! Women on Writing virtual book tour. They have written the essential book marketing and publishing guide called: Get Your Book Seen and Sold. Also, Claudine has honored us with a guest post titled: You Can’t Do Everything To Promote Your Book. The Good News Is That You Don’t Have To! Here's Claudine: The breadth of what is possible to market and promote your book is endless. Keep reading this post, though. There is hope for you to do right by your book. No author can do everything to promote their book. But the good news is that you don’t have to do everything. You MUST promote your book, though. If you don’t promote your book, it won’t sell, plain and simple. So, what is an author to do to get their book seen and sold? First, get comfortable with book marketing as a discipline. Like any other discipline it is a bit of a new language… take some time to learn the new language. How … [Read more...]