I'm so happy to introduce my guest today, Kathleen Pooler. Her discussion of the sensory details needed to bring readers into our scenes is spot on. Please click on all the links Kathy provides for very powerful examples. The Power of Sensory Details in Memoir Writing by Kathleen Pooler "Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart." William Wordsworth It's a well-known expectation in writing circles that the key to a compelling read is to use the five senses sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste to invite the reader into the scene. What better way to evoke emotions than to enable the reader to see the setting sun behind the snow-laced trees or to see a character's facial expression and the color of his eyes, to hear the calmness in his voice, to feel the softness of his skin, to smell the aroma of baking bread then to taste the steaming bread as the butter melts into it... When I have an idea for a story, I'll admit, I begin recounting the scene as I remember … [Read more...]
Please meet Kathleen Pooler
Filed Under: memoir, writer, writing Tagged With: Elizabeth Kostava, five senses in writing, Jerry Waxler, Kathleen Pooler, L.L. Barkat, Memoir Writer's Journey, William Wordsworth