Compartmentalization is tough

I've been volunteering at the Facebook Putting a Face on Suicide page for nine weeks now. Each Monday I sign in at twelve noon and stay focused on the page until eight in the evening. My job essentially is to either Like or respond with a message to every comment that is posted on the page. Though I'm able to move back and forth to my writing work or look at my emails or write a blog post, as I'm doing now, I need to check back every couple of minutes so I can respond quickly. It's not good to let people know there is no one minding the store, so to speak. I have gotten a lot of value from doing this job. I look forward to it every week because I know the wonderful service it provides solace to those who have lost loved ones to suicide. It is a place where our memories never die. It is a place where we can see their faces and read their stories whenever we want. Paul's Putting a Face on Suicide poster This job is also a huge confront for me. Even though my Paul died over twelve … [Read more...]