I read this article yesterday, and I thought it was worth sharing with my Choices readers. That is not to say I know a lot of people who won’t get the vaccine for whatever reason, but if this article could get even one to change his or her anti-vaxer mind it would be worth it. At least please scroll down and look at the main points Peggy Drexler makes: Listen, Talk in a way that will help them listen, Stay detached, Make it their decision, Bribe them, and View it as a long game.
Please read!
Can you do something about stubborn
unvaccinated people? Yes, you can.
Opinion by Peggy Drexler
(CNN)Covid cases are going up. Mask sales are again on the rise. And yet, vaccine resistance grows. Does this make any sense.
View it as a long game. Chances are good you’re not going to convince anyone on your first attempt. But that doesn’t mean you won’t the second or third time. Don’t give up. The best route to success is often slow and steady. Have patience, and keep the conversation open and ongoing. Over time, as they trust your motivations and take in what you’re saying — and have the chance to grow their own awareness of the news they’re hearing around them, or the masks they’re starting to see more and more of — you might have a chance. You do have to try. We all do.
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