I’m paying it forward in thanks for the One Lovely Blog Award I recently received from my dear friend Cate Russell-Cole. It definitely made my day to be included in her list of awardees. And it couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m going to pass the award to some of my writing friends who will hopefully take the opportunity to pay it forward as well. Here are the rules:
One Lovely Blog Award Rules:
1. I need to thank the person who nominated me. check!
2. Share 7 things about myself that you still may not know. check!
3. Nominate up to 15 bloggers. check!
4. Notify the nominees that I have done so. check!
5. Put the logo of the award on my blog site. check!
Now seven things about me that you may not know:
- I worked as a technical writer/editor and proposal manager in the aerospace industry for thirty years after getting a degree in English.
- Both my parents were born in eastern Europe Mom from Lithuania, Dad from Poland. They met and fell in love in Chicago, where I was born and grew up.
- I workout or go for a long walk every day.
- My diet is red meat, coffee, soft drink, dairy, and gluten free. But I love red zinfandel wine.
- My favorite color is black not for funereal reasons. I just like to wear black- with a few touches of white, purple, or hot pink.
- I treat my writing work as if I were going to my former day job. After working out, breakfast, showering and getting dressed, I go to my home office and stay there until I’ve finished my self-inflicted writing assignment for the day.
- My husband Bob and I have been married for over forty-four years and it’s a second marriage for both of us. Now you can guess how old I am.
Meet my friends*
Dawn Herring a master at journaling and teaching others the benefits of journaling. Since meeting Dawn, I’ve been journaling every day and I love it.
Eleanor Vincent a long time friend. We met at Esalen where we were writing about the loss of our children. Her book Swimming with Maya is a treasure. Now we sometimes lead writing workshops about memoir.
Sebastian Daniels Sebastian found my blog and we’ve shared about our lives ever since. His book Save Me from Myself is stunning in its honesty and inspiring message.
Marie Abanga Marie has an award-winning blog. I’m so taken with her raw and write-like-talk voice as she tells her story and her brother’s story in her two books: My Unconventional Loves and My Brother’s Journey From Genius to Simpleton.
Cate Russell-Cole I have to pay Cate back for giving the award to me. She is so brave. She work constantly to help other writers in spite of all your pain. I so wish that Cate be free of the pain for the rest of her life.
Denis Ledoux Denis knows the importance of telling life stories. His website, The Memoir Network, provides all the tools necessary to write a memoir, family reminiscences, and create scrapbooks.
Heather Friedman Rivera’s life fascinates me. She writes fiction and practices past life regression research and therapy that includes hypnosis. Truly an amazing woman.
Linda Joy Myers I’ve had the pleasure of meeting with Linda Joy and working on memoir panels with her at writer’s conferences. She is the founder of the National Association of Memoir Writers and has written a memoir, Don’t Call Me Mother that will draw you in completely as she brings her raw, dark secrets to life.
Susan Weidener I love Susan’s memoirs, Again in a Heartbeat: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Dating Again and Morning at Wellington Square. Susan facilitates a group of writers called the Woman’s Writing Circle and writes a weekly blog of the same name.
*(click on their names to access their websites and blogs)
Oh no,
Please help me stop crying. I was just reading and happy for you. Then a thought crossed my mind that l could be one. Aha, l saw my name and the tears stormed.
Madeline, to be honest as usual, last night, my mood swings ruined a dinner l had been lookimg so forward to. I was so embareased, l never said another word the whole evening. Even eating was now foreign to me. Worstof all, l was made fun of. Called childish and all. I am over it now, preparing to start a new day. Dunno if to apologize or not. This award is def going to keep my spirits up all weekend. Thank you loads
So glad this award made you feel better. Please take care, Marie. All best, Madeline
Thank you for the award Madeline. That was very nice of you : D. I’ll have to check out these other blogs.
I also am a fan of black. I wear it often even though people do seem to like color on me. Congrats on the long marriage also. You both are strong to be able to make it through what you went through and to still be going.
Thanks, Sebastian. A lot of people wonder how we’ve stayed together for all we’ve been through. Giving each other lots of space and understanding that we both grieved very differently helped a lot.
Thank you so much for generously including me on your list. It is an honor for me to be in this distinguished company.
I too exercise every day. It is good not only for the body but for the spirit.
I have not lost a child, but I am no stranger to grief. I lost my precious mate of 31 years six years ago and I think of her just about every day. As they say, “life is not for sissies.”
You are so welcome. Denis. The award is well-deserved for all the good work you do for memoir writers.
I agree exercise is very good for my spirit – it helped save my life after my son died. I’m so sorry for the loss of your wife. We we lose the loves of our lives, there is never a yours versus mine contest re the level of our grief.