My writing life is becoming very busy these days.
This week I’ll be featured on three websites:
Today my post on revision and editing is featured on She Writes where I urge writers to Make the Decision to Do the Hard Work Before You Start to Write a Book. I learned the hard way during the time I wrote and revised my memoir, so now I’m following a long arduous edit and revision process for my novel.
On Wednesday June 5, I’ll have a post about writing as healing up on Southern Writes Magazine’s Suite T blog. Here’s the link though I’ll remind you again on Wednesday. In the meantime, go over and look at my book trailer on their Must Read TV site and listen to me read a five-minute excerpt from Leaving the Hall Light On, on Take Five, presented by Southern Writers magazine.
On Friday June 7, I’m so excited to be a guest on Laura Dennis’ The Adaptable (Adopted) Expat Mommy blog. She gave me some tough questions to answer, and I hope you’ll come over and join in the conversation. Sorry this one just was postponed to Friday June 14.
Next week is also very exciting:
On Tuesday June 11 I’ll be at the Santa Barbara Writers Conference on a workshop panel led by Marla Miller, with my memoir colleagues, Eleanor Vincent, author of Swimming with Maya, and Linda Joy Myers, author of Don’t Call Me Mother. This will be the first time all three of us will be in the same real room together. Please join us at the Santa Barbara Hyatt, 1111 East Cabrillo Boulevard, Santa Barbara, from 2 to 3:30 pm, when we’ll discuss Published Authors with Sturdy Platforms: How they built them and how you can, too.
On Friday and Saturday, June 14 and 15, I’ll be at the Greater Los Angeles Writers Conference. The Conference will be held at the campus of Los Angeles Valley College, 5800 Fulton Ave, Van Nuys CA 91401, between Burbank and Oxnard Avenues.
- Friday, I’ll moderate a panel discussion on Writing A Memoir That Readers Will Want to Buy Other Than Your Family Members from 2 to 3 pm. I’ll also moderate the panel discussion on Why You don’t Need A Hammer to Build A Platform As A Writer from 5:45 to 6:45 pm.
- Saturday, I’ll moderate a Poetry Roundtable discussing New Trends and Markets from 10 to 11 am.
Another bit of excitement. As of last Friday, my memoir now has 94 five-star and 21 four-star reviews. I thank you all for your kind words, and I urge any readers who liked my book to post your review on my Amazon page. Just a sentence or two would be great. Thank you in advance for that.
I am almost done with the book. I look forward to writing the post on Amazon for you. I was writing how do you get involved with Esalen and what exactly is it? I could google it, but I figured I’d get a valuable perspective from someone who has experience with it.
Have an awesome day. My new website is almost ready to go. Yeah!
Hi, Sebastian,
I’m glad you’re interested in Esalen. Here’s an article I wrote about it. I think it will answer a lot of your questions. Also, Esalen has lots of other workshops: art, drumming, subjects relating to human interactions, tantra yoga, massage.
But I like the poetry workshop I go to every year. I’ll be there again in August.
I look forward to your post about my book. Thanks so much. xo
Right on. I’ll check out the post. It sounds awesome : D. Have a good weekend.