Two newly published poems

I’ve had several poems published over the last couple of months. I wrote the first in response to one of Robert Lee Brewer’s Poetic Asides Wednesday prompts. I think it’s the first one of his I ever responded to. The prompt asked us to:

“…write a box poem. This poem is either about a box or includes a box somewhere in the poem (or title). Don’t be afraid to poem outside the box this week (sorry, I had to say it).”


Thank you Editor Ted Badger for including my poem in your Lucidity Poetry Journal International (a venue for understandable verse).

Things in Boxes

He left a black canvas box
filled with his music recordings
next to his bed,
the cassette tapes neatly packed
in order of performance.

And on his closet shelf
we found a cardboard box filled
with little games, cars, toys,
1984 Olympic souvenirs,
and Russian buttons and buckles
his uncle brought back for him.

He fit these favorite things
together like an intricate puzzle,
before he left his body
for us to put in a box
in the ground.

The second, published online by @escarp, is one from my collection of Twitter-length, 140-character poems. However, this example was more challenging since I had to include slashes to indicate line breaks and my Twitter handle in the character count.

I walk in morning’s dark/
before moonset and sunrise/
No surfers, one fisherman/
on the pier, no waiting/
for cars at the light.


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