I am thrilled and honored to be nominated by author and blogger Kathy Pooler for the 7-in-1 Award a collection of seven shiny awards all rolled in one. About Kathy: Kathy retired as a family nurse practitioner in 2011 after forty-four years as a registered nurse. She and her husband, Wayne have a blended family of six children, ten grandsons, ages 5-24, and a Golden Retriever, Max. They live on the 135-acre land that used to be Wayne's grandfather's dairy farm where he grows organic vegetables. Life is good. Kathy's goal for 2014 is to publish her first memoir, Ever Faithful to His Lead: A Memoir About Choices and to complete my second memoir, Hope Matters: A Memoir of Faith. Thank you so much Kathy for nominating me for the 7-in-1 blog award (and thank you for allowing me to use some of your words here). Now it's my turn to nominate some of my favorite blogs for the award as well. First things first: Here are the rules for the 7-in-1 awards: Display the logo on your … [Read more...]
7 awards in one – paying it forward
Filed Under: marketing, social networking Tagged With: 7-in-1 blog award, blog, Cate Russell-Cole, Crystal Otto, Dawn Herring, Doreen Cox, Eleanor Vincent, Jerry Waxler, Joe Bunting, Kathy Pooler, Linda Joy Myers, Marla Miller, pay it forward, Seth Godin, Sharon Lippincott, Sherrey Meyer, Sonia Marsh, Sue Wang, Susan Weidener