I don't normally discuss TED talks or business here, but since I'm a daily follower of Seth Godin, I thought I'd share Website Planet's pick of the following TED talks that will help make you better at business. And if you scroll down a bit, you'll see a talk by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love, about changing the way we view creativity. Seth's talk about how to spread ideas is way down toward the end of the list. I think there's something for everybody on this list. Please let me know what you think. Website Planet > Blog > General > 13 TED Talks that Will Make You Better at Business 13 TED Talks that Will Make You Better at Business by Esme Mazzeo 18 SEP 2018 Based on the TED founding principle, there is one qualification to being a speaker at a conference: having an idea worth spreading. The company was founded in 1984, but has seen a surge of popularity in recent years. TED talks are free to distribute and pretty short (about 12 minutes … [Read more...]
Does fear of rejection cause procrastination?
I'm procrastinating about getting my novel ready to send off to my first group of beta readers. I keep thinking what will I work on while it's being reviewed? I don't have another book in mind unless it's poetry, or maybe a book of essays. I feel at a loss right now about what I'll work on next. I'm also procrastinating because I'm worried about what the reviewers will think. After all, this is my first novel most of the stuff in it is totally made up something I've never done before, so it is a huge confront to send it to people who will actually read it and hopefully give me their honest opinions and criticisms. However, Seth Godin one of my favorite bloggers came up with just the right words in his blog today: "But I might get rejected Indeed, you might. You might get your hopes up only to find them dashed. You might decide on where you want to go, and then not get there. You might fall in love with a vision of the future and then discover it doesn't … [Read more...]
I’m inundated with writing information
I get posts from the sites listed below either daily or weekly. They take over my email stream. And if I read each and every one of them every day, I wouldn't have time for anything else including what I'm sitting down to do WRITE! Mind you, this list doesn't include posts from blogs I regularly follow, a daily poem, and other various emails from the Writer's Market, Amazon, Powell's Books, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter the list goes on and on. So what do you think? Which ones should I continue getting? Which ones should I toss? Also, are there any that I'm missing? I'd love to hear from you. Storyfix is about getting real with your writing dream. About writing the kinds of stories that attract a readership through an understanding of craft and harnessing the power of the underlying principles that make it so. If you want to publish your work, if you want a career as a writer, then you've come to the right place. ~ Larry Brooks Copyblogger has been teaching … [Read more...]
Keeping agreements
True confessions: in the mid 1970s I spent two weekends at the Los Angeles Convention Center in a room with hundreds of people taking the est Training. It was the thing to do in those days. And over the next decade, over a million people like me resonated with Werner Erhard's philosophy of transformation, personal responsibility, accountability, and possibility. We left the room at the end of the fourth day, feeling very much like we Got It. And now, in 2012, I still feel that way. I always think of est when I say to someone or myself to go for it. est espoused the notions of going for it more than 100 per cent, living on the high road, and riding the horse in the direction it is going. Such simple concepts, made so clear and meaningful in four short days. The most important aphorism of the training for me was: If you keep your agreements your life will work because if you do, you don't have to squirm, equivocate, think up lame excuses. You've kept your agreement and now … [Read more...]
What makes a book sell?
I attended the Digital Author's Conference this past Saturday, sponsored by West Coast Writer's Conferences with special recognition and discounts to Greater Los Angeles Writer's Society members. Coincidentally, both are headed by Tony N. Todaro. Tony and his staff do a great job in getting interesting and informative speakers to their events. I found some of the information presented on Saturday so beneficial to my writing life I thought I'd share a little bit here. One was a mention of a blogger I recently started following (at the suggestion of Marketing the Muse's Marla Miller) Seth Godin. I have been marveling at how much meaningful information Seth can impart with just a few lines of short sentences, short paragraphs, and a lot of white space on the page. And Elaine Wilkes, Ph.D. who spoke about ways to place our books everywhere and how to write emails and books that get results said this is the kind of writing that is selling best right now: Short even one-line … [Read more...]