Q & A about writerly things

Last August I participated in a blog tour sponsored by Orangeberry Book Tours. At the outset they gave me a list of questions to answer that they distributed to their participating bloggers. Here's the list and my answers. I've corrected a couple since some things have changed since August. By the way, Pandora Poikilos, who arranged my tour, is terrific and very supportive. Questions and Answers 1. What is one book everyone should read? Be Here Now by Ram Dass 2. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Peanut butter and blueberries 3. Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book. My book has much to share with anyone grieving the loss of a loved one or suffering any kind of loss. 4. Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects? I'm writing an historical novel based on a small aspect of my family's history, yet with a huge plot twist. I also want to have a book of poetry published. I also want to have a CD made … [Read more...]

Answering questions about bipolar disorder and suicide at SkatingThru2012

Dr. Pam Young, former professor and current Holistic Health Practitioner, was the ninth host of my three-month marathon virtual book tour, AKA blog tour. She graciously posted this Question and Answer session with me on her blog SkatingThru2012 on November 6. I thank her so much for her support and all the work she did to put this post together. I have been so fortunate to have so many folks join me on this tour. Author Madeline Sharples Answers Questions About Bi-Polar Disorder & Suicide Posted on November 6, 2012 | 3 Comments Memoirs can educate us by showing how one dealt with a particular circumstance. In that way, they offer a sort of lighted pathway. Such is the case with Leaving the Hall Light On by Madeline Sharples whose book tour included an invitation to bloggers to post questions about her experience not only to promote her book, but also to facilitate her mission since the death of her son: ¦to raise awareness, educate, and erase the stigma of mental illness and … [Read more...]