Birthday thoughts

It's time to think about how to remember Paul on his birthday this year. Had he lived, he would have become forty years old on December 31. I wonder why I can remember the day he was born so vividly. I can also remember the day he died over twelve years ago now. Some of the in between is gone, some of the memories may be skewed a bit, but not a day goes by that I don't acknowledge Paul's existence in my life. Maybe it's enough of a celebration to have a celebration of his life listen to his music, get out and read from his favorite books they are still packed in boxes out in the garage and eat some of his favorite foods probably those would be pizza and sushi. And continue to write about him. Many of the poems I've written about him appear in my memoir, Leaving the Hall Light On. I think I'll post a few of those this month too. I'll also post some more of his pictures. He really was an adorable baby and a good-looking guy. After all, I am his mother, I have a right to … [Read more...]