Introducing Susan Weidener, memoirist, fiction writer, and teller of life stories

I'm so delighted to have Susan Weidener as a guest on Choices. Her words about writing - Write What Is Relevant to You - are so helpful and true. Please read about the book she is working on now, which she calls true-life fiction, and the ways she advices her group, the Women's Writing Circle, how to hone in their writing. I certainly can attest to Susan's excellent writing. I read her memoir, Morning at Wellington Square, in about two days. I couldn't put it down. Please click here to read my review. Please welcome Susan Weidener. Write What Is Relevant to You by Susan Weidener Although I had written two memoirs and contributed to an anthology of short stories in the last three years, another project had long simmered in the back of my mind.  I can't call it memoir and I can't call it fiction. So, maybe, true life fiction works. The story comes from my imagination, but the male character's story is based on excerpts from a memoir written by my late husband, John … [Read more...]