Where we can help

I worked the phones and entered data for several hours over at the Heart of LA for Hillary headquarters, and spent a day in Las Vegas registering voters. Since the election of Donald Trump people who worked hard and voted for Hillary need to find a way to quell their anger and find a way to direct their pent-up energy in a positive way. I know I do. Giving back is a great way to start. The Heart of LA for Hillary group has assembled, below, a list of some of their favorite organizations that need our help in the coming years.  They also sent out a second-round list, also below, in advance of Giving Tuesday (November 29 - TOMORROW!). Here are the Heart of LA for Hillary lists. EMILY's List:  Supporting pro-choice Democratic women running for Congress and governor. Latino Victory Project:  a movement that builds power in the Latino community so the voices and values of Latinos are reflected at every level of government and in the policies that drive our country … [Read more...]