I like lazy days

Even though I’m writing about laziness today – another writing group prompt – I’ve been far from lazy. With escrow closing on the sale of my house in forty-three days, I have to stay busy with the clearing out of the things I’ve accumulated for over forty-two years. It’s a horrendous job. Nobody should have to do it. So, no wonder I like the idea of laziness. These days I find myself wanting to nap at almost any time of day. For most of my life I was an early riser. Sometimes getting up as early as four thirty so I could workout at the gym before having to get ready for and go to work. That kind of schedule became a habit for me. Now that I’m not working, I still get up to workout before starting the rest of my day, but I’ve become a little more lazy about it. Sometimes I’ll set my alarm for six thirty, sometimes seven, sometimes seven thirty, and sometimes I don’t set it at all. Most days however, I wake up on my own in the dark of the morning way before my intended wake time. But … [Read more...]

No memories at all

My house is now in escrow, which means that in about two months from now I'll have to move out. That brought on some I can't imagine thoughts about moving. Here goes: After living in this house for over forty-two years I can’t imagine living anyplace else. The house was brand new when we bought it and to me it was like a palace. It has three levels with four bedrooms, two and a half baths, a huge kitchen with more cabinets than I knew what to do with, plus a living room, family room, and a formal dining room. Luckily, we already had the dining table – an old claw foot oak piece with lots of leaves to accommodate twelve people at the many dinners I used to prepare. Now I have no idea who will end up with that table and the antique sideboard also in the dining room. There’s no room for them in the tiny apartment I’m planning to move into. Actually, I’ll have no room for most of my things in that apartment. And I can’t visualize what I’ll do with all of them. At least I’ll have three … [Read more...]