The coronavirus, COVID-19, has indeed affected my life, as I’m sure it has affected yours. We’re all in it together to try to survive - helping ourselves and others to stay safe and healthy. I live with my eighty-three year old husband of almost fifty years, so his health and safety are on my mind much more than mine. He has had, over the last few years, mild pulmonary problems and is under a doctor’s care for high blood pressure. Fortunately, I don’t have any of the usual old folks’ ailments. I may be turning eighty in two months, but my body has never acted like it. So what’s my usual lockdown day like? First of all, I get up early. In the normal past I would get up before daylight and go to the gym every day. These days I wait until sunrise and then take a morning walk every day. I had until four days ago the perfect route. I would walk from my house to the beach and walk along the full length of the beach Strand. Unfortunately, the Strand and the beach are now closed, and … [Read more...]
More about our water damage
Part Two As planned, the water mitigation folks from Servpro arrived early Monday morning, June 25, with water testing devices in hand, which they scanned over all walls and floors to determine the extent of the damage. As they found damage, they marked the areas with dark blue masking tape. By the end of the day I saw dark blue masking tape in the kitchen, the hall backing up to the kitchen, parts of the dining room, and essentially the whole first floor, including Bob’s office, the laundry room, the bathroom, and my office. The only room not affected downstairs was the guest bedroom down at the end of the hall. That meant they would need to pack out all our stuff from our kitchen cabinets, the china closet that stood in the upstairs hall, and everything from the laundry, bathroom, and our two office closets downstairs - including removing our closet built-in cabinets and shelves. The next step was taking the affected walls and ceilings down to the studs and pulling up the … [Read more...]
Sunday gloom
I took my usual Sunday big long walk this morning, and it drizzled throughout. Though it was a light drizzle it was enough to wet my jacket and pony tail, but not enough to soak me through and through. I liked it. I prefer walking when the weather is gray. Another gray day (photo by Keith Alan Hamilton) However I had to watch my step. The sidewalks and Strand walkway were slippery. As a matter of fact, as I was walking downhill toward the beach I thought about the possibility of falling. With my husband and son both out of town I pondered whom I would call for help if I fell and broke something. Just then I walked over a sewer cover and slipped, fortunately catching myself before I fell. But getting into balance was enough to reactivate the nagging soreness I've had in my left calf for the last two weeks. I thought I was over it until I attempted a Spinning class yesterday. I was okay peddling sitting down, but after a few minutes of peddling while … [Read more...]
To Denver and back
It's always wonderful to visit with our great nieces and nephew in Denver. We now have six: five girls - one born just six weeks ago - and one boy. We were there for Anna's eighth birthday, and since they all have birthdays coming up in the next couple of months, we brought birthday presents for all - including new baby Ella Joy. What was special was making the birthday cake with our oldest great niece, Alyssa. But as usual, I find I can't wait to get home - no matter where I travel to. Instead of walking on the loud busy streets in Denver, I took my big long walk this morning along the beach. Although it was teeming with runners and walkers, I could comfortably hear my music and take a few shots of the ubiquitous Strand gardens along the way. I must be like Dorothy. "There's no place like home." … [Read more...]
Sunday sunset
Since my skin has stopped liking the sun, I've had to find ways to either exercise indoors or stay on the shady side of the street. So, I decided to take my big long walk to our beach late yesterday afternoon, and I was rewarded with some beautiful sunset views. Opposite was a full moon. It was dark by the time I got home, but no worries. I know I'll venture out at that time of day again. I was also amazed at how many people were out watching the sunset from our walking strand and the Manhattan Beach pier. Besides I got to try out my new cell phone's camera. What do you think? … [Read more...]
Happy Halloween
Beach Witch A well-satisfied witch enjoying the people walking along the beach front. Cheers! … [Read more...]