Seagulls meeting on the sand Another group about a mile north Quit Procrastinating There are just too many distractions To tempt me away from my work It's like having A devil on my shoulder Saying, just a minute longer, What harm could another minute do? Early on when I first retired I thought I'd spend hours In front of the TV Eating bad-for-me snacks And I'd blow up like A bird on pasta. But it's not TV And the chocolate bon-bons, It's not curling up on the sofa With the latest romance That turn my head. It's email, It's Facebook It's the blog world That stop me from completing my daily writing tasks. Who would have thunk an old lady like me Could have her head turned By technology? … [Read more...]
Music is here now for you listening pleasure
A few days ago my computer guy and I kid you not, his name is Guy and I spent a couple of hours figuring out how to add a music player on this site so that I can showcase my son Paul's music. And Voila! The music player is now here. Just go to the second tab above, the one titled In Memory of Paul Sharples, open the page, scroll down to the bottom, and click the little triangle on the box to play. Unfortunately I can only showcase one piece at a time, but I promise to change the tunes often. I've also created two more tabs. The next tab has endorsements for my memoir, Leaving the Hall Light On. Hopefully after you've read the book, you'll write one that I can post. The next tab is for the book trailer, but since that is still under construction, you'll have to keep checking back to see if it's posted yet. Please enjoy Paul's tune composed and performed by him. Paul playing piano at Grandma's house … [Read more...]