I always love to participate in blog hops and tagging games, so I thank author David Berner, whose new memoir recently won the Chicago Writers Association Book of the Year award, for tagging me to play this week. David and I recently met (virtually) through our publisher Mike O'Mary at Dream of Things. I heartedly welcome David into our Dream of Things family. David's book due out this fall is Any Road will Take You There, the story of a father who sets out on a cross-country road trip, one he never had the guts to take as a young man. He hopes it will spark a new chapter in his life. But the once-delayed journey now takes on new meaning when he's forced to confront his family's unsettled past. Plus, this spring Dream of Things will publish David's collection of essays: There's a Hamster in the Dashboard. So here I am tagged IT and answering the: BLOG HOP AUTHOR QUESTIONS What am I working on? My list is long. I'm just about ready to get back to revising my novel based on four … [Read more...]
Back to work
First of all I want to thank all my friends who participated in the Choices Guest Post Festival from the end of August to mid September: Susan Weidener Deborah Kalan Viki Noe Ace Antonio Hall Meryl Hartstein Chanel Brenner Eleanor Vincent Jerry Waxler Sherrey Meyer Linda Joy Myers Karen Levy Kathy Pooler You all certainly raised the bar over here. During the last three and a half weeks the number of views more than doubled because of your contributions. So it's time for me to get back to work. I need to keep the momentum going by posting myself and hosting guests as much as possible. Please let me know if you'd like to share your writing story on Choices in the near future. On Wednesday, my guests will be Cami Ostman and Susan Tive who will share about their anthology, Beyond Belief: what happens when women of extreme … [Read more...]
Ace Antonio Hall is back. Hooray!
I am so happy that Ace Antonio Hall has agreed to come back to Choices. He wrote a wonderful piece about the gray haired women in his life in July and got a huge readership. Please take a look here. His writing is endearing and insightful and so, so loving. Today, he's going to discuss his novel, Confessions of Sylva Slasherand try to convince us to read it. Thank you, Ace, for being so generous with your answers. Madeline:Please tell me why I should read your zombie horror novel, Confessions ofSylva Slasher ? Ace:Reading my novel, Confessions of Sylva Slasher, is like drinking a large exhilarating can of fun, with an added lemon twist on the end! It's a coming-of-age story about a young girl who has to realize that she doesn't need any guy to validate her, the power comes from within. Once Sylva gets that, she faces her fears with courage and is able to overcome her undead challenges she calls deadheads. Listen, I grew up enamored with Alfred … [Read more...]