Some new draft poems

I’ve been writing a poem a day for several months. At first they were about anything  interesting out there. Now for the last four months or so I’ve chosen to write about things going on in the government, the so-called administration, and our current president. Here are a few samples – definitely still in draft form. What do you think?

George Floyd’s Legacy

Yesterday George Floyd was eulogized
By Reverend Al Sharpton. He said
“Get your knee off our necks,”
Sounding an alarm throughout our land.
For hundreds of years we’ve had
Our knees on the necks of black and brown
People without let up, without pressure
Of pain and arrest for doing so.
Sharpton’s words hopefully will
Bring our nation peace and free
Us all from the white supremacy
We have thought we were
Entitled to. We aren’t. We are no
Different from those we’re stepping on.
And it’s time for us to act as if
All our lives are equal.
Thank you, Reverend Al Sharpton,
For the power of your words.


MANCHESTER, UNITED KINGDOM – JUNE 03: Graffiti artist Akse spray paints a mural of George Floyd in Manchester’s northern quarter on June 03, 2020 in Manchester, United Kingdom. The death of an African-American man, George Floyd, while in the custody of Minneapolis police has sparked protests across the United States, as well as demonstrations of solidarity in many countries around the world. (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images) *** BESTPIX ***


Bunker Boy (aka DJT)

Bunker Boy went out yesterday
To speak to our West Point graduates.
They were told they must attend
In person, but at least they sat
Six feet apart throughout
Bunker’s thirty-minute pep talk.
Afterward Bunker had to walk
Down a short ramp to leave the podium
And as he hobbled his way down
He didn’t remove his eyes
From his wobbling feet.
He made it without falling
As he proudly told his Tweet followers,
Otherwise he’d be social media’s
Laughing stock. Hey Bunker Boy,
Just your unsteadiness gave them
A lot of grist for the mill,
Including this one, right here.


No Name Intended

He pulled another fast one.
In the middle of the night,
Asking the Supreme Court
To cancel the Affordable Care Act
And take away health insurance
From 130 million Americans
with pre-existing conditions
and total health coverage
from 23 million Americans.
It’s a mean, amoral, and insensitive act
Smack in the midst of
New COVID-19 cases and deaths
Breaking all-time records in the U.S.
in a single day.
Notice how I refuse
To even write down his name?

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