October started out with a bang and a trip via the Catalina Express to Two Harbors for Lisa Smyth’s pirate birthday party. This was Buccaneer Days on the island and everyone came in costume. Lisa won the prize with seven costume changes. Bob and I bought pirate hats and he got a swashbuckler’s black velvet coat with brass buttons, while I mostly commandeered stuff hanging in my closet to bring for the festivities. Needless to say many people we met enjoyed themselves with their brains thoroughly adjusted by pirate’s rum. I stuck with my usual red wine.
As you can see the Two Harbors (formerly called Isthmus) village of Catalina is almost barren one hotel, one restaurant and bar, lots of camp grounds, boating and other water activities, about 300 locals, and lots of buffalos left over from an old Tom Mix movie. It was absolutely beautiful this past weekend.
Gorgeous Harbor
And now that that not-to-be-missed experience is over it’s back to work and perhaps a review of how it’s going with my memoir, Leaving the Hall Light On.
People ask me all the time how my book is selling and although it is selling, it is selling slowly. And with all the social networking I’m doing every day, I wonder why sales aren’t happening in a steady stream.
From what I read Facebook is the most important network, and I’m there with both friend and fan pages. I also connect through Twitter, LinkedIn, and Goodreads. And of course I blog here and on Red Room with my Choices posts connecting to Open Salon.
That seems like a lot of connections, but obviously I’m not doing what I need to be doing to get people to my networks and interested in buying my book.
I am, however, very stoked that in the last week four new reviews went up on Amazon praising my book. http://www.amazon.com/Leaving-Hall-Light-Madeline-Sharples/product-reviews/0984631720/ref=dp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1
Goodreads folks posted two great reviews last week as well. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11240888-leaving-the-hall-light-on
Also I have contributed blog posts to Huffington Post and Naturally Savvy . And just today, I was asked to contribute to PsychAlive http://www.psychalive.org/ Please check out the site.
Bottom line is I’m busy and writing. That’s a good thing. Perhaps, as my very wise publisher Janice Phelps Williams at Lucky Press LLC says, it takes time. All this hard work is called Development. I’m developing a base that is sure to branch out in the near future.
One word for sales, Madeline: Kindle.
Kindle, Kindle, Kindle!
I’d have the book already myself if I could have gotten it electronically (right now even ordering a paper book is a process I can’t muster the energy for (and I know you understand why)
If you get it out there in e format I wouldn’t be surprised at all to see sales will go through the ROOF. Just a thought.
bru, I just saw this comment. Of course you are right.
The ebook will be out in May – also a paperback.
I just went to a panel discussion about it, and of course the bottom line is the publishing business is changing radically toward electronic books and self-published books.
All best to you.