We spent this last weekend with our friends in Ojai. She and I met way back in 1961 when I first moved to Los Angeles. Ironically we were introduced by my ex-husband and his family. Though my first marriage broke apart, our friendship has lived on with increasing love all these years. I always say she was my first friend in LA.
We drove up during the rain on Saturday and I was overwhelmed by the brilliant shades of greens in the landscape around us. Usually the land is dry and brown. But not this year because of all the rain we’ve had.
We spent our time together eating and talking and talking and eating, walking around downtown Ojai, shopping for orchids at the Farmers’ Market, and finally hugging and kissing goodbye Sunday afternoon. We are so fortunate to have long-time friends who we stay in touch with and who we have loved all these years.
I also took a four-mile walk on Sunday morning on my own. You know me by now. I find a way to exercise every chance I get. Here are a couple of photos from my walk – sorry I didn’t snap the sheep and cows who live next door and the pair of llama’s I saw on my way. Also, though I couldn’t see or identify them, the birds were singing very loudly to accompany my walk. Maybe they seemed loud because everything else was so quiet all around me.
The photos of the sheep, cows, llamas, birds, would have
been a bonus for me. However, I did enjoy your article written
about Ojai and your time spent walking, talking, and then
perusing alone on your weekend spent in the country. I would
really like to receive more articles you have written…in
your realistic voice.
(Please send me more of your pieces.)
I just added your email to my mailing list. Thanks for coming over to Choices and for your comment. I appreciated it very much.
Jody, I tried to sign up but it didn’t work. Please go to https://www.madelinesharples.com/archives/8494#comment-546925 and sign up to receive my emails toward the top of the right sidebar.