After almost five days off-line, I’m glad to say all is well with this site. It’s updated and ready for a steady stream of guest posts and my eclectic thoughts about writing and life.
Thanks for your patience.
Now for a look at what I’ve been up to for the last couple of weeks to get ready to launch my new historical novel, Papa’s Shoes: a Polish shoemaker and his family settle in small-town America, published this month by Aberdeen Bay. There is one word for it: Marketing.
They say marketing takes up most of our time once our book has been published. And now that my book is out and available online I totally agree. marketing has been first and foremost even before that.
So here’s where I am in the marketing path.
I’ve booked a Papa’s Shoes launch at my local Manhattan Beach, CA bookstore {Pages} a bookstore, on Thursday evening at 7:00 pm. If you are in my local area, please come. it’s a free event; however, Pages would like you to RSVP, so they can get an idea of number of attendees. Here’s the link for that.
WOW! Women on Writing and I have organized a virtual book tour that will start on June 3. A long list of bloggers will either review Papa’s Shoes, interview me, or host a guest post that I’ve written. I have hosted many authors on their WOW! virtual book touts over the years. I’m happy to have the role reversed for a change. The tour ends on July 5, but another blogger, Kathy Pooler, will also host me on August 12. Needless to say I’ve been writing up a storm getting ready for all these marketing opportunities.
I’ve created another author page on Facebook, called Madeline Sharples Books, primarily geared to Papa’s Shoes. My page, Madeline Sharples, was and still is, about my memoir, Leaving the Hall Light On. No, I don’t want to ignore my memoir now that I have a new published book, so I thought a separate page would be the answer. Please let me know if it works for you.
I’ve added Papa’s Shoes on my Amazon author page. That page lists all the books I’ve written or contributed to.
And my Erica Banaski, who helped switch this website from blogspot to WordPress in 2013 is now working to update my website content so it will include Papa’s Shoes information along with Leaving the Hall Light On information. That entails changing the top photos and text, deleting some tabs and adding others, changing items on the right sidebar, and adding links and sample pages for Papa’s Shoes. I’ll let you know when the huge grand opening of the new look will happen.
Plus, I’ve ordered new business cards specific to Papa’s Shoes, sent out emails about my new book to a huge list, and, of course, I’m making its presence known all over my social media. That is and will continue to be a full-time job.
Anything else?
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