I’m still writing a poem every day and actually spending only ten minutes on them. My favorite subject these days is the seemingly coming downfall of our current president – Number 45. The polls, if they are right, sure show Joe Biden way ahead. And you’ll see if you read my poems, I’ll do everything possible to avoid using his name in them.
Here are three:
1.He pulled another fast one.
In the middle of the night,
Asking the Supreme Court
To cancel the Affordable Care Act
And take away health insurance
From 130 million Americans
with pre-existing conditions
and total health coverage
from 23 million Americans.
It’s a mean, amoral, and insensitive act
Smack in the midst of
New COVID-19 cases and deaths
Breaking all-time records in the U.S.
in a single day.
Notice how I refuse
To even write down his name?
2. Last night our so-called president
Held a rally at the Mt. Rushmore site
In South Dakota, without adhering
To social distancing and
Mask wearing protocols.
What does he care, even though
His son’s girlfriend was just diagnosed
To be COVID positive. Seems a little
Too close to home for him.
But that’s not the worst part.
He spoke in all seriousness,
Accusing a “new far-left fascism”
Of being part of a “merciless campaign
To wipe out our history.” He said
The left’s goal is not a better America
But to end America.”
When I heard those words
I wanted to throw up.
What does that stupidly opinionated man
Know about making America better?
And what does this man who never reads
Know about history?
3. It was a bomb.
Yup, his first rally
In three months failed
And failed badly.
Only sixty-two hundred people
Took their seats
In the nineteen thousand capacity auditorium
And no people filled
the outside overflow arena.
And of course he blamed
Everyone but himself.
The fake news, the protesters,
People on social media who signed up
But never intended to show.
Maybe he’s the one
Who needs to get his act together
And start governing instead of rallying
And start paying attention
To black lives and coronavirus victims
Instead of only caring about
how many people fill his auditoriums
and his reelection.
As of now, he certainly doesn’t
Have that in the bag.
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