Missing Sherman

My beloved cousin Sherman died yesterday as a result of a massive stroke. The shock of it, the fact that he is no longer with us, and the sadness I feel are overwhelming. We grew up together in Chicago though he was five years older than I. That age difference didn’t matter. He was always caring and loving toward me. One of my early memories of him was at his Bar Mitzvah party. My dad was the master of ceremonies and he asked me to read a poem about Sherman as part of the program. I wish I remembered the poem or had a copy of it. I’d like to read it now.

Instead I’ll share the loving words his daughter put up on Facebook yesterday. It says it all:

I am beyond heartbroken to share that my beautiful dad passed away this morning in my arms and those of my mom. There are truly no words to describe how kind, positive, caring, smart and generous he was. He reached out to everyone around him and always had a beautiful twinkle in his eyes. He loved to learn and made more of a difference than most anyone in his treasured community. While it is a tremendous loss to all who knew him, it is only because he made such a difference in everyone’s lives. I am the luckiest person in the world to have been your daughter and so sad that you are no longer with us. Baruch Dayan Emet (May his memory be a blessing).

I miss my cousin Sherman already. He was a truly wonderful man.

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