Those of you who have been following my blog for a while know how obsessive I am about writing. My life is about the actual writing or thinking about writing when I’m not at my computer. I also am obsessive about exercise. I workout in some way every day – either at the gym or taking long walks in my beautiful beach neighborhood. Working out and writing were instrumental in saving my life after my son Paul died by suicide in 1999.
Since my son’s death I’ve also become obsessive about working toward erasing the stigma of mental illness and helping to prevent suicide. I’ve volunteered and participated with others whose mission aligns with mine. I’ve also written much about mental illness and suicide here and in my memoir, Leaving the Hall Light On.
This coming June 27-28, I’ll take an amazing journey in Boston – another way to memorialize my son and show what I stand for.
The Out of the Darkness Overnight Experience is a 16-18 mile walk over the course of one night. Net proceeds benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, funding research, advocacy, survivor support, education, and awareness programs – both to prevent suicide and to assist those affected by suicide.
I’ve signed up to walk with Team S.O.L.E.S, a group I joined on Facebook. I’m very excited to walk with them and to meet them in person for the first time. Our team is committed to raising $20,000 for the event. I hope you’ll help.
Please click here to donate.
And please root me on as I train for this big long walk. I have a lot of work to do to get ready.
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