7 awards in one – paying it forward

I am thrilled and  honored to be nominated by author and blogger Kathy Pooler for the 7-in-1 Award a collection of seven shiny awards all rolled in one.

KathyPoolerBrighterAbout Kathy: Kathy retired as a  family nurse practitioner  in 2011 after forty-four years as a registered nurse. She and her  husband, Wayne have a blended family of six children, ten grandsons, ages 5-24, and a Golden Retriever, Max. They live on the 135-acre land that used to be Wayne’s grandfather’s dairy farm  where he grows organic vegetables. Life is good. Kathy’s goal for 2014 is to publish her first memoir, Ever Faithful to His Lead: A Memoir About Choices and to complete my second memoir, Hope Matters: A Memoir of Faith.

Thank you so much Kathy for nominating me for the 7-in-1 blog award (and thank you for allowing me to use some of your words here). Now it’s my turn to nominate some of my favorite blogs for the award as well. First things first:

Here are the rules for the 7-in-1 awards:

  1. Display the logo on your blog.
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
  3. State 7 things about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 (or so) bloggers for this award.
  5. Notify the nominees of their nomination.

7-in-1 blog award

7 Things About Me:

  1. My husband Bob and I have lived in the same house in Manhattan Beach CA since 1979.
  2. I reinvented myself into a full-time writer and author at the age of seventy.
  3. I played piano in the school orchestra during 7th and 8th grades.
  4. I just stopped wearing contact lenses after 56 years in preparation for cataract surgery.
  5. I workout every day.
  6. My diet is free of red meat, dairy and gluten products, but I do love red zinfandels.
  7. My mission is to save lives by erasing the stigma of mental illness and preventing suicide.

Many of the blogs I follow share writing and publishing advice, marketing  and network tips, and wonderful true life stories.  I hope you’ll check all of them out and find them as interesting as I do. I apologize if I’ve missed anyone. It was hard f to limit the list to 15  (or so) as required. I am so pleased to have all of you in my life.

My Nominations: Here are my 15 (or so) nominees:

Kathy Pooler:  Memoir Writers Journey

Sherrey Meyer:  Writing to Heal

Susan Weidener:  Women’s Writing Circle, a place to share our stories

Sonia Marsh:  Gutsy Living

Cate Russell-Cole   CommuniCATE Resoures for Writers

Dawn Herring:  Refresh with Dawn For a Fresh Perspective in All of Life’s Dimensions

Sharon Lippincott:  The Heart and Craft of Life Writing: Tips, guidelines and observations for all facets of life writing

Jerry Waxler:  Memory Writer’s Network

Joe BuntingThe Write Practice

Seth GodinSeth’s Blog

Marla Miller: Marketing the Muse

Crystal OttoBring On Lemons

Eleanor VincentEleanor Vincent: memoirist, essayist, and award-winning author

Linda Joy Myers : Memories & Memoirs

Doreen Cox:  Treasured Encounters

Sue Wang:  Connect2Self

Thank you, fellow bloggers, for your inspiration, encouragement and always your very wise words. I appreciate the lessons, tips, and stories  you share.

And now it’s your turn to pay it forward. Can’t wait to see and share your lists.



  1. Thank you, dear Madeline for your link and your nomination. It is truly an honor to be listed among so many whom I admire. This is like a cyber-mutual admiration society. I love it!

    • Madeline Sharples says

      Thanks, Kathy, for starting this whole cycle. It’s a great way to be introduced to new bloggers as well as honoring them. I must say that I was stoked when Seth Godin personally responded to my email to him about his honor. I love it too.

  2. Thanks for the link love Madeline. Not too surprisingly, my list overlaps yours about 98%, so I’ll say 7 things here:
    1. I grew up in Los Alamos, NM
    2. I love having gray hair.
    3. My husband and I have lived in the same house near Pittsburgh for nearly thirty years.
    4. We celebrated our FIFTIETH wedding anniversary last summer.
    5. I have visited 47 countries, six continents (Aussies, I’ll get there!) and all fifty states.
    6. A large percentage of my best friends and writing buddies live in my computer.
    7. I first dipped my fingers into word processing on November 3, 1982, using AppleWriter on an Apple ][+ 64 K computer and I’ve never looked back.

    • Madeline Sharples says

      I love your seven things – we overlap on some of those as well. I started word processing on the first Apple ever back in the seventies. And as for my hair – I wish it would get white already. LOL

  3. Madeline, this is a beautiful gesture, and I am doubly honoured by the fine company I am included with.

    Again, my apologies for taking so long to get here, it has been a harrowing week. When able, I will respond on my blog.

    Very best wishes to you.

    • Madeline Sharples says

      Thanks so much for coming by. You absolutely belong in that fine company. I’ve learned so much from you. All best to you too. xoxo 🙂


  1. […] the way, I mentioned Seth in another one of my blog posts a few months ago, I emailed him let him know, and he answered me almost immediately. I was indeed […]

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